Saturday, July 28, 2007

Le sigh – I have not had the time to do anything personal, art wise that is. I mean, I do have some free time to do some things, but by the time I feel like it, I’m either tired or just get lazy onto doing it. Ethier way, here are some sketches.

SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS. Jeebus, I’ve loves this sponge ever since he first came on TV. Although I prefer the old look of Spongebob along with the seasons, it’s still a good show. I just watched the movie today. Did these during a lecture.

Also, some random Harry Potter doodle I was doing outside while talking with John. Mrehish, I liked it until I took the time to really look at it. But I guess it is still good, I killed my entire blue pen for this. KILLED IT. I miss you, blue pen. My dad and I are possibly going to see the movie this weekend.

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