Saturday, July 21, 2007

Ahh.. some more sketches. Here I have some of Vlad from Danny Phantom, because he is one of the most awesome characters in the show. Anyways, they’re REAL QUICK so like, they aren’t that good – to me.

Here are some that do like that I did just 20min. ago. If you can’t tell from the lithe anatomy that they’re cheetahs – then I did a bad job on this. But if you can – then awesome! I was watching something about lions and disease on NG channel, and somehow that inspired me to draw this. I have been using the bones and muscle tissue that I gathered from my guineapig to do the hip bones and shoulder plates. Yar, I love doing these kinds of sketches – they’re awesome. I didn’t draw the heads cause I was being lazy honestly. Reugh… to much rambling so I’ma head out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mind if I use this as a ref? Im terrible at posing cheetahs myself.