Sunday, September 2, 2007

Some random Spongebob sketches and ocs from the show. The red squirrel is named, Rick. In my original fan comic he is the one that co-worked with Sandy on land before she moved underwater. He comes underwater after being transferred down below with her, but this new friendship is not holding to well with lil’ Bobby. XD With both Rick and Spongebob vying for Sandy’s attention, it will be nerve-racking for her. Down below is a random doodle of Spongebob and Phillip my friend Chadd did.

Here are some more EE&E sketches that I did, this one is of Jimmy and the other is of a Kanker-Sister. I’ve always pictured the blue-haired K-S to be beautiful, but in a white-trash way still. As for Jimmy, he’s totally effeminate if not gay. I love them all to bits though. As you may be able to tell, chicks are my poison.

Last but not least are some sketches of my 2D class finale, a sequential piece. It was based off some friend’s statements from oriental countries and some researched data about the teenage populous of Japan. I wont tell the story here, or upload the finished just yet though. Well, I haven’t even finished it yet. ^^; There are more sketches, butt I'm to lazy t upload them. :l

1 comment:

Dudy said...

women are your poison? Then do mooooorrreeee!!!!

*points convictingly at you*